Personal / Website News
Lots and lots of stuff have suddenly been coming to fruition in December, thus I am doing a news roundup a week later instead of two.
Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle CFP
The Call for Papers for Emmanuelle, Black Emanuelle, and Emmanuelle derivative films is open.

The CFP can found on this page. If you know other scholars who would be interested in this project, please share! I’d be super appreciative to get the word out.
Fan2Fan Podcast
Fan2Fan Podcast has a new short-form episode online that celebrates Albert Pyun (Rest in Peplum) who recently passed away.

Myself, Bernie, Joshua, Michele, and Pete all share some stories and memories. I share my story of Pyun autographing my Cyborg DVD.

Hi Nick!
Gee, I’m so humbled and honored by your interest in my films. Cyborg was a very tough shoot because originally it was going to be Master of the Universe 2 but that got cancelled. So out came Cyborg!
Thanks so much on your kind support of my work!
-Albert Pyun
A Hero Will Endure Preorder
A Hero Will Endure: Essays at the Twentieth Anniversary of Gladiator, is set to be published this February by Vernon Press. The collection contains my essay, “Dance or Dēcēdere: Gladiator and Industrial Music Sampling.” There is no cover art yet, but there is a product/pre-order page at the publisher’s website.
Footage Fiends #1 Cover Reveal
Found footage-centric zine Footage Fiends did a cover reveal of their debut issue which comes out this month!

This issue contains my essay, “Analisi Della Cosa: Found Footage in Caltiki and Italian Theater Going Practices” and can be pre-ordered at the Footage Fiends Patreon.
McFarland Holiday Sale
My publisher, McFarland, is doing a holiday sale for all their titles. Use the code HOLIDAY22 during check out to receive 25% off your order. If you want to order a book I am a part of (for yourself or maybe as a Yuletide gift), here they are:

- Horror Literature from Gothic to Post-Modern: Critical Essay (Editor)
- The New Peplum: Essays on Sword and Sandal Films and Television Programs Since the 1990s (Editor)
- The Many Lives of The Twilight Zone: Essays on the Television and Film Franchise (Contributor)

- Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre (Contributor)
- James Bond and Popular Culture (Contributor)
- Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism, and Innocence in the Series (Contributor)
Awards Season
Horror/speculative award season is upon us. This year I have two pieces of writing eligible for the various awards out there:
- “Strange Realities: Twilight Zone-sploitation in Encounter with the Unknown” in The Many Lives of the Twilight Zone: Essays on the Television and Film Franchise
- “Analisi Della Cosa: Found Footage in Caltiki and Italian Theater Going Practices”
Thank you for your consideration!
Post Social Media
I’ve created an account under the beta-version of Post. It can be found here if you want to follow. I also have my account at Tribel which can be found here if you want to follow that one.