Personal / Website News
StokerCon and HP Lovecast
This past weekend was StokerCon and Michele and I were super busy co-chair the AnnRadCon panels, doing Q/A, watching presentations, and so on. I believe some of the content will be available after the con, so stay tuned either here as I learn more, or follow the various StokerCon/HWA websites/social medias.
However, we were so busy we didn’t get a chance to finish up the newest episode of HP Lovecast, which will drop next weekend.
Mark My Words
Lee Murray and Angela Yuriko Smith are publishing a new how-to book called Mark My Words: Read the Submission Guidelines and Other Self-editing Tips. The chapbook was part of one of Murray’s workshops at StokerCon, but is getting a release via Yuriko Publishing. Both Michele and I were asked to contribute advice to the book. I’ve added this book to the bibliography, but once it officially becomes available for purchase I’ll add in store links as well.

General Neo-Peplum News
Messalina Blu-ray Release
Boutique blu-ray publisher Twilight Time has just release a version of Messalina. DVD Beaver has the details along with screen caps.
300 Part 3
IndieWire has an article about Zack Snyder’s unmade part three to 300 that was going to focus on Alexander the Great.
Isidora #2 to Launch
Part 2 of the neo-peplum/Lovecraft comic Isidora by G. A.Lungaro is set to launch a crowdfunding campaign in June. A sign up page to be notified when the campaign goes live can be found here.