March went by fairly quiet and BOOM!, first week of April do I have some epic and awesome news to share.
Weird Tales Issue #367
The big, big, big news is issue 367 of Weird Tales that is slated to be published this May. Yours truly got to contribute an essay to this legendary periodical!
Look at that! My name on the cover with some other titans of horror with a cover by Mike Mignola. Talk about a milestone, I am extremely elated.
My essay is about cosmic horror back in the 1920s and 1930s issues of Weird Tales. The issue is available for pre-order, so check it out at the Weird Tales website.
I’ll also be conducting mini-interviews for this issue as well.
Cinema Highball Writeup
New cocktail article is posted at my website as well!
As yall know I love diving into the esoteric, weird, forgotten, and sometimes, kinda nasty, cocktails. The PDT Cocktail Book has a recipe for the Cinema Highball which I actually gave a shot on Twitter back in 2021:
However that was made with Bacardi. The real recipe calls for Flor de Cana, and this time I am doing it for realz. Have a read!
New Episode of H.P. Lovecast
We have a new episode of H. P. Lovecast Podcast online!
As conveyed in previous posts, March was a pretty hectic month for Michele and I. We still are settling into the house and we had essays due at the end of the month (for the cats in cinema book) and just a few other obligations that popped up. Because of this, we didn’t get a normal episode of the podcast online, but we did get a Transmissions episode online. In this episode we got to interview weird fiction author Michael Cisco about his new novel, Pest, and one of our academic colleagues, J. Rocky Colavito, about his Giallo-inspired novel, The Night Scavengers. The episode can be streamed at the HP Lovecast Buzzsprout website, via your podcast app, or via the embedded link below.
We are hoping to be back on track in April as we will finally get our episode online of the Dean Stockwell Dunwich Horror.
Fan2Fan Appearances
Michele and I have made a few appearances on the Fan2Fan Podcast which have been published in the last two weeks.
First up is the Fan2Fan episode on the classic Larry Cohen film, The Stuff. That episode can be streamed via the Fan2Fan Libsyn page, via your podcast app of preference, or the embedded player below:
Next, Fan2Fan sometimes does short podcasts on Fridays called “Five Minute Fridays.”
Michele and I appeared on one to talk about what cosmic horror is. That episode can also be streamed via your podcast app of preference, at the Fan2Fan Libsyn, or via the embedded player below.
As always, sincere thanks to Bernie and Pete of the Fan2Fan crew for having us on their show. We sincerely appreciate them.
Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle CFP
The Call for Papers for Emmanuelle, Black Emanuelle, and Emmanuelle derivative films is open until the end of this month.
Recent acquisitions to the collection: Emmanuelle in Paradise and Emmanuele (single “L”) 3. Also notice the Silvia Castell vs. the iconic Sylvia Kristel.
The CFP can found on this page. If you know other scholars who would be interested in this project, please share! I’d be super appreciative to get the word out.
Publishing Recap
Below is a recap of my publishing endeavors so far in 2023.
Published in February, this collection contains my essay “Dance or Dēcēdere: Gladiator and Industrial Music Sampling.”
Friend and colleague Sean Woodard has just had his first physical publication, his essay “‘But Illusions Don’t Kill’: An Examination of Giallo Tropes and Gender in Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue” in the newly released academic collection Bloodstained Narratives: The Giallo Film in Italy and Abroad.
The bars and cocktail lounges of New York City ushered in the craft cocktail renaissance in the mid aughts. Many of the vanguard establishments central to this movement have had books published detailing not only their ethos to mixology, but showcasing many of their recipes as well. Death & Co. has their Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails (2014), Apotheke has Apotheke: Modern Medicinal Cocktails (2020), Cienfuegos has Cuban Cocktails: 100 Classic and Modern Drinks (2015), and so on. The folks at iconic and influential NYC speakeasy Please Don’t Tell (PDT) have, of course, their own book, The PDT Cocktail Book: The Complete Bartender’s Guide from the Celebrated Speakeasy (2011).
PDT book from my personal collection.
Flipping through the pages one will see a plethora of inventive, intoxicating libations accompanied with pop-art style illustrations.
Corresponding artwork for the Cinema Highball.
However, one might do a double take of the recipe on page 90 for the Cinema Highball: a rum and Coke variant made with movie theater buttered popcorn infused rum.
Cinema Highball recipe.
A cocktail that captures the theater-going experience of grabbing a handful of popcorn, stuffing it all into one’s mouth and then chasing it down with a titanic cup of Coke (Hey! Free refills) all while the previews are still going on? It HAS to be made.
The recipe is fairly simple, with most of the effort going into making the popcorn rum. Per the directions the ingredients are:
1 750 ML bottle of Flor de Caña Silver Dry Rum
1 oz fresh popcorn
1 oz clarified buttered
Popcorn, rum, and ghee.
If the Flor de Caña sounds a little pricy to be used in this fashion go with a Bacardi Silver, that way if the end result isn’t successful a nice bottle of rum wasn’t squandered.
Though this cocktail uses a fairly nice rum, for the popcorn the opposite is needed. Unless a movie theater is super close by and a bag of popcorn can be easily obtained, the best route to go instead is the most unhealthy, syntheticy, buttery, popcorn imaginable. This isn’t a place for organic, artisan popcorn – it’s trying to re-create a movie theater experience afterall. The popcorn used here is from Dollar General and is probably as bottom of the barrel as one can get (note the “gluten free” in air quotes),
The final component is the ghee. More so than the popcorn, this is what is going to give the rum the movie theater butter popcorn flavour. Smelling ghee is just like smelling the butter squirter at the concession stand.
Get a glass pitcher and pour the rum into it. Follow this by an ounce of popcorn. The best way to determine an ounce of popcorn is to look at the bag it came in. The popcorn used here comes in an eight-ounce bag, so eye-ball an eighth of the bag. This doesn’t have to be exact though, error on the side of more popcorn. As stated above, the ghee is what is going to provide most of the flavour.
The popcorn is going to get soggy and float to the top.
Give it a stir once or twice over the next hour. Little globules of synthetic butter will swirl around in the rum.
Close to an hour grab a sieve. A big one. Put a bowl under it to capture all the rum that will be pressed through.
After an hour a few popcorns will have sunk. There will be a nice “healthy” hue to the rum.
The butter will be concentrated on the top.
Dump the pitcher of popcorn rum into the sieve and use the sieve-stick to press as much rum out from the popcorn. Don’t press too hard though or the popcorn will actually smoosh through the sieve holes.
The popcorn leftover will be highly rum soaked. It’s not really salvageable for anything else and kinda gross if consumed.
Pour the rum through another strainer back into the (cleaned) glass pitcher. The extra strain will grab any small popcorn atoms that made it through the sieve.
Add the ounce of ghee, stir, and let it set for twenty four hours.
After a day all the ghee will have floated to the top. The rum will have a cloudy, yellow-ish colour.
Pour the pitcher into a glass bowl. The ghee will stay floating and congregate into little, buttery islands. Place into the freezer for four hours which will cause the ghee to harden.
After four hours the ghee will have frozen into manageable clumps that can be easily removed. Strain the rum into a bottle.
Once bottled, the popcorn-infused rum is ready to go!
Grab a high ball glass, add ice cubes, two ounces of rum and four to five ounces of Coke (or Pepsi, RC Cola, etc.) to taste. Use a bar spoon and give it a once or twice stir. Don’t over stir because it will release the carbonation from the soda.
The end result is, well, a popcorn tasting rum and Coke! It does legit taste like having a sip of soda after eating a handful of popcorn. There is definitely a popcorn odor to the rum which certainly adds a nice component. The popcorn texture is missing, which is part of the filmgoing experience, but can’t be helped. Infusing the rum with popcorn was probably unnecessary and the step could possibly be skipped and instead go straight to infusing with ghee. However, “ghee-infused” rum doesn’t have the same ring to it, so the popcorn has to remain. Actually eating popcorn while drinking a Cinema Highball, now that is a pleasant way to consume this cocktail.
Overall, not bad! The Cinema Highball doesn’t replace a traditional rum and coke and definitely doesn’t replace a Cuba Libre, but it does take minimal effort to make the popcorn infused rum. It would be a nice practice cocktail for mixologist beginners who have not dived into the realm of spirit infusions. The Cinema Highball is a novelty drink, but a fun and tasty one that definitely goes with watching a movie in the comfort of your own home.
What can be said about it? It comes in a tall bottle that refuses to fit in a liquor cabinet. It is vibrant yellow, blindingly so. Like licorice, Galliano has an “either you love it or loathe it” taste profile of anise and vanilla. It is definitely an acquired taste.
The liquor gained prominence during the Dark Ages of Cocktails in the 70s when executives at McKesson Liquor Co. concocted the Harvey Wallbanger, a cocktail made of Galliano, vodka, and orange juice. The Harvey Wallbanger was a hit and McKesson sought other ways to market Galliano.
Read the rest of this article to discover gold!
One of those efforts was an early 70s cocktail booklet published by McKesson that featured Galliano front and center in all of the recipes. Some of the recipes were new and unique to the booklet while others were riffs on established cocktails (Galliano Margarita, Galliano Manhattan, Galliano Daiquiri, etc.).
A variation that appeared in the booklet was a Galliano take on the tiki vanguard cocktail, the Mai Tai.
Galliano Mai Tai Recipe.
The Galliano Mai Tai calls for:
1 oz Galliano
1 oz White Rum
0.5 oz Lime Juice
0.5 oz Orgeat
0.5 oz Orange Curaçao
Put all ingredients into an ice-filled rocks glass, stir, and garnish.
The end result should look akin to this:
Galliano Mai Tai from the Galliano Recipe Booklet.
The Galliano Mai Tai is quite similar to the classic ‘44 Trader Vic’s Mai Tai save an ounce of rum has been replaced by an ounce of Galliano.
This drink is 29% Galliano.
That’s a lot of Galliano.
The spirits for this cocktail are fairly easy to obtain; nothing discontinued since the 70s. Galliano is Galliano and there is no substituting that in a Galliano Mai Tai. For the Orange Curaçao, Pierre Ferrand Dry Curaçao is a nice go to for Mai Tais.
Dangerously low on the White ‘Stache.
The Galliano Mai Tai calls for a white rum. Based on the recipe this poses the question: use a higher quality rum and increase the probability of making a good tasting drink, or error on the side of caution and use an inexpensive rum and build from there. For this cocktail, caution will be heeded and Bacardi Superior will be used over a higher quality rum, which would entail El Dorado 3, Plantation Three Star, or, as pictured above, Hamilton White ‘Stache.
The first step is to fill a rocks glass with ice.
Next, pour in one full ounce of Galliano. Bask in its yellow glow.
Add one ounce of Bacardi Superior.
Then half an ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice.
Pour in a half an ounce of orgeat. Liber & Co. is a great one to use.
Finally, add the half an ounce of the Dry Curaçao
Despite containing citrus, the recipe calls for the drink to be lightly stirred once or twice. This, of course, isn’t going mix the cocktail very well as it will keep the ingredients in layers.
The end cocktail is horrible. In an attempt to salvage it, it was dumped into a shaker, shaken, and repoured with additional ice. It failed.
Galliano is the dominate flavor, which is probably to be expected as this is the Galliano Mai Tai after all. The Bacardi doesn’t have much character to it, which allows the Galliano to dominate the drink. Using a rum with more character, such as a funky Jamaican rum or a Rhum Agricole, would clash with the Galliano. Using a higher quality white rum also would have been a bad idea as any uniqueness it would have brought would’ve been overpowered by the Galliano.
The taste is akin to absinthe-vanilla; it is sickly sweet and not a pleasant sweet that is found in other tiki cocktails. Adding simple syrup, which many Mai Tais call for, would have made this worse. The cocktail also leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.
A possible remedy for the Galliano Mai Tai would be to re-balance it. Cutting back the Galliano by at least half and also reducing the orgeat would help bring down the sweetness. Perhaps a better option would be to prepare a Mai Tai according to spec of preference and then add a splash of Galliano to it at the end.
The Mai Tai is not the best cocktail to have a Galliano riff done to it, but it might work in other tiki drinks that use absinthe or Pernod.
If you enjoyed this write up about a cocktail from a vintage cocktail book, check out other write ups I’ve done:
There’s something about lifestyle books from the late 60s to the early 80s that capture a distinct era through a bronzed lens. Images of homes, fashion, cuisines, and cocktails during this timeframe are forever immortalized in books tucked away in grandma’s curio cabinet or readily found dirt cheap on the shelves of used book stores and Goodwills.
The Bacardi Party Book is such an advertisement/pamphlet/cocktail booklet from this period. Published by Bacardi in 1973, the booklet contains twenty-nine recipes, from daiquiris to punches, from cocktails to entrees, that all feature Bacardi brand rums front and center: Bacardi Light, Bacardi Dry, Bacardi 151 (RIP dear 151), and Bacardi Añejo.
Down to party.
There is a variety of Bacardi-centric tiki drinks in the brochure: Bacardi Planter’s Punch, Bacardi Navy Grog, Bacardi Scorpion, and so on. The mai tai is perhaps the most iconic cocktail in the tiki pantheon, so this write up will focus on that specific recipe.
The Bacardi Mai-Tai calls for:
.5 oz fresh lime juice
.5 oz orgeat
.5 oz simple sugar syrup
.5 oz orange Curaçao
1 jigger of Bacardi Light
.5 jigger of Bacardi 151 or 1 jigger of Bacardi Dark or Añejo rum
Put into a glass half filled with ice. Stir once or twice and garnish.
Per the accompanying photo for the recipe, the end result should look like this:
Ngl, that looks pretty good!
Looking at the specs of the Bacardi Mai-Tai, the recipe is pretty much the original 1944 Trader Vic’s mai tai save that the rums are from Bacardi and are Puerto Rican instead of Jamaican and there is some differing ratios.
Brand new, unopened bottles just for this article!
Bacardi 151 was discontinued back in 2016 making the 151 iteration of the Bacardi Mai-Tai impossible to reproduce unless one has saved a bottle all this time. Don Q 151 would make an excellent replacement for a Puerto Rican 151 overproof rum. However, the Bacardi Mai-Tai offers an alternative recipe using Bacardi Añejo which is easily procurable. For the Bacardi Light, Bacardi Superior is the successor rum, which is also easy to obtain. Pierre Ferrand is a workhorse orange liqueur for mai tais so it will be a perfect choice for the orange Curaçao.
Ice, ice, baby.
Step one was is to fill a rocks glass half full of ice. As will be shown later, much more ice will definitely be needed.
Next .05 oz of freshly squeezed lime juice is added.
Then .05 oz of orgeat. In this instance, Liber & Co., but any personal favourite or homemade will do.
Syrup. Notice the layers.
This is followed by .05 oz of simple syrup. Pictured here is rich Demerara simple syrup (2 to 1 ratio).
Orange liqueur.
.05 oz of Pierre Ferrand is added next.
Bacardi Superior.
Then 1 jigger of Bacardi Superior. Comparing the Bacardi Mai-Tai recipe to the Trader Vic’s original, 1 jigger is going to be 1 oz.
Bacardi Anejo / Bacardi 4. Layer of syrups at the bottom.
And finally 1 oz (1 jigger) of Bacardi 4.
There is probably not enough ice for the drink at this point, so definitely add more. Where the Bacardi Mai-Tai differs from the original Trader Vic’s mai tai (or any cocktail that uses citrus juice) is that it is built in the glass and stirred rather than put into a shaker, shook, and then poured. However, directions are directions, so the final step is the stir the Bacardi Mai-Tai – a gentle stir once or twice at that – and garnish.
I was out of mint so I instead used a spritz of mint that came in my Curiada/How to Drink Mai Tai box.
The end result is not bad, but it really needed to be shook. A once or twice stir of these ingredients is not enough to aerate the drink or homogenize it. It’s practically still a layered drink at this point, so the first sip is all Bacardi 4 and not much else. However, putting the drink into a shaker, giving it a quick shake, and dumping the cocktail back while adding some additional ice fixes this issue. Basically, skip building this mai tai in the glass and do it in a shaker.
Aside from the stirred/shaken snafu, the Bacardi Mai-Tai is pretty spot on! It lacks a bit of the funk that mai tais that use Jamaican rums (such as Smith and Cross) have. It is on the sweeter end of the spectrum by having a total of one ounce of syrups, but it still tastes pretty damn good! The neat thing about this mai tai is how easily obtainable the ingredients are. Unless one lives near a BevMo, Total Wine, or a really well stocked alcohol store, some brands of rum and other spirits can be hard to procure unless one shops online. Most Bacardis, on the other hand, are readily available at grocery and liquor stores, and at a much generous price point. For tiki neophytes who are just starting their bar, the Bacardi Mai-Tai is a great stepping stone without breaking the bank. Overall, this libation is a surprising success from the disco dark ages of cocktail culture.
Nisi Shawl’s “Street Worm” is the first in a series of stories starring Brit Williams, a young Seattleite who has physic powers. “Street Worm” details the first interaction between Brit and Elias Crofutt, who becomes a mentor to her in subsequent stories. Their initial encounter together does not go well, with Crofutt trying to explain Brit’s powers to her and Brit being rightfully defensive about the stranger. It’s a familiar scene that has played out in a variety of films and books (“You have powers!” “Leave me alone!”) but Shawl inserts in a subtle, unexpected bit of world and character building in the scene.
She has Crofutt drink a cocktail. Specifically, a Jungle Bird, which is a tiki libation.
In the world of dark fiction and horror, mixed drinks, let alone a tiki drink, make rare appearances. The dark literary genre typically adheres to the basics when it comes to drinkables: beer, wine, and blood (though an author may throw in the occasional whisky, but it must always be followed by a description of how it “burns going down”). The rarity of cocktails in dark fiction (and probably fiction as a whole) is fairly easy to comprehend: not all writers and their readers are mixologists and not all writers and their readers consume mixed drinks. Most writers and readers know what beer and wine tastes like, thus a “stick with what you know” rule of thumb is applied.
When a cocktail makes a literary appearance, it is something to take notice. A reader not familiar with cocktails may simply read past the reference and pay it no heed, but a reader versed in cocktails will begin asking questions. What kind of character orders this drink (character building)? What kind of setting serves this drink (world building)?
In “Street Worm” the Jungle Bird is first mentioned as follows:
One of the man’s bushy eyebrows lifted. “Don’t look so surprised! Didn’t you get our message? Aunt Eliza came down with the flu and sent me by myself.” He turned to the waiter as if just noticing him. “I’d like a Jungle Bird, if the bar’s open.”
“Yes, sir!” The waiter left, looking reassured.1
A few paragraphs later, the tiki cocktail arrives:
Fair enough,” he said again. The waiter returned carrying a glass round as the man’s belly, full of ice and an orangey liquid. A section of a pineapple ring gripped its rim. He left again after taking their orders: lasagna for Brit, which was what she usually had at lunch, and quail for her supposed uncle.2
A cocktail or a tiki enthusiast will instantly know what a Jungle Bird is, but to readers not familiar with it, the drink’s appearance comes off as an exotic libation, a proper noun that stands out in the sentence. Per Shawl:
I have never drunk a Jungle Bird. I don’t consume alcohol much because it gives me migraines. To be honest, I chose the cocktail because the name sounded good with the rest of the words I was using. I’m very picky about that sort of thing.3
For Shawl, the appearance of the Jungle Bird was purely for poetic and aesthetic reasons, and readers not familiar with tiki culture will certainly appreciate this aspect. On the other hand, those versed in tiki history will no doubt experience a different reading, as if reading a coded language exclusively for them.
They’ll no doubt recall the taste of the drink, prior instances of making the drink themselves, and even perhaps the history of the cocktail: it was created at the Aviary Bar at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton in Malaysia toward the end of the 70s.
Postcard of the Kuala Lumpur Hilton from the author’s collection.
The Jungle Bird is seen as the last cocktail of the classic tiki period, as the late 70s would see the tiki bar replaced with discotheques and hard drugs, and the 80s a low point in mixology with a move toward prepackaged and blended drinks. While tiki culture has certainly going through a resurgence in the past decade or so, the popularity of the Jungle Bird no doubt trails behind more iconic tiki drinks: the Mai Tai, the Zombie, the Painkiller, and the Navy Grog.
Regarding world building, what does the Jungle Bird have to say? Usually a Jungle Bird will be found in a tiki bar or a restaurant that specializes in Polynesian cuisine. The establishment Brit and Crofutt are meeting at is certainly not either: they are in the restaurant of the Hotel Monaco in Downtown Seattle, a venue that serves lasagne and quail. Crofutt ordering a Jungle Bird in this bar raises a lot of hypotheticals: is the Jungle Bird on the cocktail menu and perhaps a signature variation for this hotel’s restaurant? Is it an off menu cocktail that Crofutt really likes and he is crossing his fingers that the bartender knows how to make one? Is the bartender familiar with the Jungle Bird, or are they going to consult a resource before making it? The usage of the Jungle Bird in this scene sets off a chain reaction of hypotheticals that certainly shape the scene more so than if the characters simply had a wine, beer, or even a traditional cocktail such as a martini.
What does the Jungle Bird say about Crofutt? Is he into tiki culture, or perhaps was this a drink he stumbled upon and likes? Does he know how to make one? Has he built his own tiki bar? Is he ordering an offbeat drink in order to give an impression to Brit? What other cocktails does he like? Just as the Vesper Martini, shaken not stirred, says much about super spy James Bond, so too does the Jungle Bird says much about Crofutt. Shawl has graciously expanded on this particular character trait of Crofutt:
“I like the idea of Crofutt as a tiki-lover. It fits with my overall concept of his personality, as a delver into the unknown and a fan of nonwhite cultures. I will probably pursue this further.”4
The Jungle Bird says/asks much about the setting and the characters, but what does the text say about the cocktail proper? The way it looks and is garnished leads to another round of hypotheticals, specifically how the drink is made. Is it true to the original? Is it a variation? Is it an incorrect cocktail altogether that has had the Jungle Bird moniker slapped onto it by a novice bartender?
Prior, Shawl described the cocktail as “orangey,” served in a large, round glass, and garnished with a pineapple wheel. More questions are raised: where is the mint? Why a large, round glass instead of, say, a tiki mug or double rocks glass? What makes it orangey? Bottled pineapple juice or freshly squeezed? Again, these questions lead to more setting building and establishing.
Though Shawl does not partake in alcoholic libations, her description of the Jungle Bird is pretty spot on. The color of the Jungle Bird ranges from different shades of red due to the presence of Campari, a vibrant red and extremely bitter apéritif. The colors of the other ingredients used in the Jungle Bird (the syrups, rums, juices, etc.) will lighten or darken the drink.
The are a variety of ways to make a Jungle Bird. The traditional recipe is as follows:
0.75 oz Campari 0.50 oz fresh lime juice 0.50 oz sugar syrup 4.0 oz unsweetened pineapple juice 1.50 oz dark Jamaican rum
This original 1978 version, documented by Beachbum Berry in Intoxica!, is shaken with ice, open poured into a double old-fashioned glass or tiki mug and garnished with an orchid and a cocktail pick with a maraschino cherry, lemon, and orange wheels.5
Four ounces of pineapple juice is a lot of pineapple juice. Martin and Rebecca Cate rectify this imbalance in their Smugglers Cove book:
2.0 oz pineapple juice 0.50 oz fresh lime juice 0.50 oz Demerara sugar syrup 0.75 oz Campari 1.50 oz black blended rum
This incarnation is blended with crushed ice and opened poured into a tall glass like a highball or a Collins and garnished with pineapple fronds.6
Shannon Mustipher embraces the bitterness of the Jungle Bird in Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails by eliminating the sugar syrup:
2.0 oz pot still Jamaican rum 0.75 oz Campari 1.50 oz pineapple juice 0.50 oz fresh lime juice
This Jungle Bird is shaken with ice, strained into a Collins glass full of ice, and garnished with pineapple fronds and a scored lime wheel.7
There are, of course, even more variations of the Jungle Bird out there, specially among the YouTube cocktail channel crowd. These examples, however, demonstrate the foundational and core elements of what constitutes the legacy cocktail.
Knowing what ingredients constitute a Jungle Bird combined with Shawl’s descriptors and assumptions made from the variety of hypotheticals, a Jungle Bird as Crofutt orders can be approximated.
It is within reason to assume that the Jungle Bird is not a signature item on the cocktail menu for this restaurant. Going by the fact that the restaurant serves lasagne and quail, it’s also a good guess that this restaurant and bar is going to be more European focused. It probably contains a nice variety of scotches, vermouths, and vodkas, but perhaps stocked only with the necessities for rum. This means, for a dark Jamaican rum, it’ll have stocked a rum that’s fairly easy to obtain with a low price: it will probably be Myers’s. The bar will probably use canned pineapple juice, but probably juice their own limes so that they can accommodate other cocktails, such as margaritas. They probably will not make their own simple syrup, instead opting to buy pre-made. Of course, Campari is Campari, there are no substitutions.
With the above in mind, it’s now a question of balancing these ingredients to get the right amount of orangeness over redness for the Jungle Bird depicted in the story. It can be accomplished by adding one more ounce of pineapple juice:
0.75 oz Campari 0.50 oz fresh lime juice 0.50 oz Rose’s simple syrup 5.0 oz pineapple juice 1.50 oz Myers’s Jamaican rum
Photo by Nicholas Diak
For this Jungle Bird iteration, shake all ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Open pour into a large Brandy snifter (to give it that round appearance) and fill with more crushed or pebble ice. Garnish with a pineapple wheel.
Photo by Nicholas Diak
This Jungle Bird, like the original 1970s version, is extremely generous with the pineapple juice, but manages to taste quite nice and will likely be satisfactory for Crofutt as a tiki cocktail consumed at a non-tiki bar.
If Crofutt does venture down the path of becoming a tiki enthusiast as Shawl wants him to be, the final question would be: how will Crofutt make his Jungle Bird? He will probably mimic the Smuggler’s Cove version. It would be his choice of rum that would be unique to him. There is only one rum out there that contains the signature “funk” that dark Jamaican rums have, but would also fit perfectly with the poetry that Shawl is aiming for in her text by using “Jungle Bird.”
That would be Doctor Bird.
1.5 oz Doctor Bird Jamaican rum 0.75 oz Campari 0.5 oz Demerara simple syrup 0.5 oz lime juice (freshly squeezed) 2.0 oz pineapple juice (canned or fresh)
Photo by Nicholas Diak
Crofutt will likely add all in ingredients into a shaker with crushed or pebble ice. He’d then open pour into a tall Collins glass and lavishly garnish.
Photo by Nicholas Diak
This would create a balanced Jungle Bird with top shelf ingredients, one that Crofutt would no doubt enjoy immensely.
1. Nisi Shawl, “Street Worm,” in Exploring Dark Short Fiction – Modern Masters #3: A Primer to Nisi Shawl, ed. Eric J. Guignard (Los Angeles, CA: Dark Moon Books, 2018), 82.
2. Ibid., 82-82.
3. Nisi Shawl, email message to author, September 3, 2019.
4. Ibid.
5. Jeff Berry, Beachbum Berry’s Intoxica! (San Jose, CA: SLG Publishing, 2002), 44.
6. #. Martin Cate and Rebecca Cate, Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki (Berkeley, CA: 10 Speed Press, 2016), 96.
7. Shannon Mustipher, Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails (New York, NY: Rizzoli, 2019), 36.
Cate, Martin and Rebecca Cate. Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki. Berkeley, CA: 10 Speed Press, 2016.
Mustipher, Shannon. Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails. New York, NY: Rizzoli, 2019.
Shawl, Nisi. “Street Worm.” In Exploring Dark Short Fiction – Modern Masters #3: A Primer to Nisi Shawl. Edited by Eric J. Guignard. Los Angeles, CA: Dark Moon Books, 2018.