Happy 2023 everyone!
As with 2021, 2022 was a crazy year. Lots of life stuff: got a new job after 16 or 17 years at my previous job, and bought a house – first house ever! It’s been quite a process and these last few months busy with cleaning, packing, and moving. However, that is all done (well, except unpacking and furnishing) and Michele and I get to start 2023 off in a home with our cats.
I did a 2021 Accomplishments List and looking back on those, I actually got most of them done! Some projects have been delayed, and of course I have items and reviews on my to do list that have been pending for a while.
Now that I’m all settled in in the new house, with my own office, and library of research material close at hand, I look forward to taking a big bite out of 2023!
2022 Accomplishments
Podcast Accomplishments
- 49Podcast Appearances
- 22 episodes of H. P. Lovecast Podcast
- 11 episodes of Scholars from the Edge of Time
- 16 guest appearances on other podcasts/vidcasts
- 15 appearances on the Fan2Fan Podcast
- 1 appearance on the Galactic Terrors vidcast
Publication Accomplishments

- 5 physical/print publications
- 2 articles for Exotica Moderne
- 3 book contributions
- essay in The Many Lives of the Twilight Zone
- essay and interview in the StokerCon 2022 souvenir book
- 19 articles at my website
- 10 comic book/book/movie reviews/write ups
- 6 interviews
- 3 cocktail articles
- I also made short film called Dinosaur Joke
Conference Accomplishments
- Co-chaired with Michele the 5th year of the Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference
- This is also the final year we chair this conference
- 1 Conference Presentation
- AnnRadCon
- 1 Convention Appearance
- 2 panels at CoKoCon
I’d like to give a shout out to the following folks who have given me platforms to share what I’ve been working on or given me venues to contribute to:
- Bernie Gonzalez and Pete Charbonneau (Fan2Fan Podcast)
- Hercules Invictus (Voice of Olympus Network)
- Ken Holewczynski (Exotica Moderne)
- James Chambers, Carol Gyzander (Galactic Terrors)
- Jonathan Maberry (Weird Tales)
- Kevin Wetmore (Twilight Zone book)
- Hal and Dee Astell (CoKoCon)
- Michele Brittany (partner in crime)
You are all greatly appreciated!
2023 Projections
Three days into 2023 and projects are already lining up. Some are carryovers from 2022. Some have been legacy to dos. Some will be brand new. We’ve already been in touch with folks for future episodes of H. P. Lovecast, so expect lots of cool stuff there. I got some looming deadlines for essays for anthology editors, so time to get to work!
Things to look forward to in 2023
- Publishing of the debut issue of the Footage Fiends zine which contains my essay on the Mario Bava cosmic horror/exotica film, Caltiki: The Immortal Monster.
- A Hero Will Endure: Essays at the Twentieth Anniversary of Gladiator is slated to be published this February. This contains my essay on industrial bands that sample the film. This book has been a long time in coming, so I am extremely excited to see it published!
- My CFP for the Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle project will be open until the spring. Submit, submit, submit!
- Essay to be published in Weird Tales. Proof was done and turned in.
- New episodes of H. P. Lovecast Podcast
- Appearances on the Fan2Fan Podcast
- Appearance on the Scaredy Cats podcast discussing the film The Final Girls.
- Being on panels for CoKoCon 2023.
Projects I’ll be starting in 2023
Projects I anticipate to be starting/working on in 2023:
- Essay on peplum cats for a project for Simon Bacon about cats in cinema (due early spring!)
- Essay on the Front Line Assembly album Implode and how it samples the films Mimic and Event Horizon (passion idea project)
- Crossing fingers – get enough submissions for the Emmanuelle project to procure a publisher and get that book off the ground
- Turning my Acylum/Vikings presentation in a journal article
- And other legacy items on my to do list…
Thank you to everyone who has been with my on my academic journey, who has read and shared my material or given me platforms. You all rock socks!