Personal / Website News
Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle CFP
The Call for Papers for the Emmanuelle, Black Emanuelle, and Emmanuelle derivative films is now live!

The CFP can found on this page. If you know other scholars who would be interested in this project, please share! I’d be super appreciative to get the word out.
Fan2Fan Podcast Appearance
Fan2Fan Podcast is doing a series of John Carpenter-centric episodes. I had the honor, along with Joshua Pruett, to appear on an episode discussing Carpenter’s ode to King and Lovecraft, In the Mouth of Madness.

The episode can be streamed at the Fan2Fan Libsyn website or via your podcast app of preference.
Around the time this Fan2Fan episode was recorded, Michele and I did an H. P. Lovecast episode on Carpenter’s Princess of Darkness. That episode can be seen as a companion piece to the Fan2Fan episode, so check both out!
Sincere thanks to Fan2Fan for having me on!
Galactic Terrors Appearance
The New York chapter of the Horror Writers Association does a monthly vidcast called Galactic Terrors which features authors doing readings of their work followed by Q/A.

I was very honored to be asked to appear on the November episode of Galactic Terrors. This episode featured authors Kenneth Cain, Karen Heuler, and myself. It can be streamed at YouTube or the embedded player below. Check it out!
Sincere thanks to James Chambers, Carol Gyzander, and Teel James Glenn for having me on!
Citation News
A few citations have popped up in Google scholar in the last couple of weeks.
First, a journal article called “XVII New Literatures” from This Year’s Work in English studies looks to have cited or referenced Horror Literature from Gothic to Post-Modern: Critical Essays. The description makes mentions of Australia, so I highly suspect what is specifically referenced is Naomi Simone Borwein’s essay “Synchronic Horror and the Dreaming: A Theory of Aboriginal Australian Horror and Monstrosity.” However, since I lack institutional access, I can’t confirm this (so if you can, I’d be appreciative!).
Next, Karl Otty’s article “GTA Vice City Created a New Wave of ’80s Nostalgia” at SuperJump looks to have been re-published. This article cites my essay “Lost Nights and Dangerous Days: Unraveling the Relationship Between Stranger Things and Synthwave” that was published in Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series.
Miscellaneous Tidbits
Born of Blood Issue 2 Kickstarter Loot
My swag from the Born of Blood 2 Kickstarter arrived.

I’ll go over the comic and associated paraphernalia in greater detail in a future post. For now though, check out my write up of the issue 1 loot and comic impressions, and also my interview with the writer of Born of Blood.