Personal / Website News
Things in the Well Closing Shop
Small press publisher Things in the Well has started the process of shuttering its operations and that means two anthologies they’ve published that I have stories in will soon be out of print.

Trickster’s Treats #3: The Seven Deadly Sins, which contains my story “Journey to Agharti,” already has the Kindle version delisted from Amazon. There are only two physical copies left.

Guilty Pleasures and Other Dark Delights, which contains my story “Seamed Stocking Summoning Circle,” still has Kindle and physical copies for sale.
Act fast on these books! I don’t have any venues right now to have the story/drabble republished, so it will be quite a while before they see print again. Editors and publishers interested in republishing these pieces in other anthologies, feel free to contact me!
Highlander Call for Papers
Michele has an active CFP on the Highlander franchise. She is looking for essays on the Highlander movies, the television show, comics, everything.

If you’re interested, check out the CFP at her website and please share with others. With a possible reboot on the horizon, this is definitely a book you want to be a part of.
Unofficial Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle CFP
Sometime in the latter half of 2022 (after I am finished with AnnRadCon 2022) I plan on publishing an official CFP calling for essays on Emmanuelle and its sequels and spinoffs, Black Emanuelle and its sequels, and all other Emmanuelle knockoffs. I already have an interested publisher, but I want to present to them a fully laid out TOC for an ambitious collection as this.

Though my CFP will not go live until later 2022, if you have any interest in being a part of this collection, let me know! Send me an email or social media message (see my about me page for contact info) to let me know your interest. If you have an abstract already, even better.
General Neo-Peplum News
Thermae Romae Novae Trailer
On March 28 Netflix will begin streaming the neo-peplum anime Thermal Romae Novae, which is about a Roman bath designer who accidentally time travels to modern day Japan.
A trailer has been released! Not many animes or mangas dealing with antiquity, so this is quite cool.