Personal / Website News
Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle CFP
The Call for Papers for Emmanuelle, Black Emanuelle, and Emmanuelle derivative films is open.

The CFP can found on this page. If you know other scholars who would be interested in this project, please share! I’d be super appreciative to get the word out.
H. P. Lovecast Podcast
Final episode of H. P. Lovecast Podcast for 2022 is online. It is our monthly Transmissions episode and in this one we interview author Jason Rekulak about his novel, Hidden Pictures.

The episode can be streamed at our Buzzsprout website, via the embedded player below, or via your podcast app of preference.

HPLCP Transmissions – Ep 18 – Jason Rekulak – H. P. Lovecast Podcast
We will be resuming our 2+ episodes a month in 2023. Michele and I have been in the process of moving to our first home, so the last few months have been quite hectic preparing for that. However, we are all done (except for lots of unpacking yet to do). Happy to have everyone along for the ride with the podcast and appreciate everyone who has listened and shared.
A Hero Will Endure Preorder
A Hero Will Endure: Essays at the Twentieth Anniversary of Gladiator, is set to be published this February by Vernon Press. The collection contains my essay, “Dance or Dēcēdere: Gladiator and Industrial Music Sampling.” There is no cover art yet, but there is a product/pre-order page at the publisher’s website.
2022 Accomplishments
Much like I did for 2021, I’ll be doing a recap of 2022 accomplishments later this week. Stay tuned!
Miscellaneous Tidbits
Rest in Peplum Ruggero Deodato
Ruggero Deodato, legendary Italian genre director best known for his found footage horror film, Cannibal Holocaust, passed away at the age of 83 (Variety Article). I am a huge appreciator of Deodato’s films and his contribution to cinema. His peplum and sword and sorcery work include:
- Ursus and the Valley of Lions (1961) (assistant director)
- Devil of the Desert Against the Sun of Hercules (1964) (assistant director)
- Hercules, Prisoner of Evil (1964)
- The Barbarians (1987)
And many collaborations with Antonio Margheriti.

Michele and I recently discussed The Barbarians on Scholars from the Edge of Time, which can be listened/watched at this YouTube link.

One of my favorite Deodato movies is the underrated Cut and Run. Basically, a more palatable version of Cannibal Holocaust. One of my treasures is my copy of Cut and Run autographed by Michael Berryman and Richard Lynch (rest in peplum).