Interview Lovecraft

Piercing the Veil of Reality: Cosmic Horror Stories in Weird Tales #367

The early days of Weird Tales are renown as the premiere venue of authors of cosmic horror. Writers and poets such as H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, E. Hoffman Price, Robert Bloch, and others have had some of their most influential work initially published in the magazine.

A century later, even after a few turbulent decades, Weird Tales is still regarded with prestige and as a premiere publisher of pulp stories, including the cosmic horror genre it pioneered. Issue 367, slated to be published in May 2023, is themed on cosmic horror, rounding up numerous authors and poets of the genre, both new and established. A few of these authors have graciously allowed me to conduct some short-form interviews with them about their works that will appear in the new issue. 

Angela Yuriko Smith

Story Title

“Lost Generations”

Story Synopsis

From Earth, a spaceship full of human seeds that have been programmed to procreate like mad when they are safely awakened at the end of their journey, thus ensuring offspring, and a future for humanity. Unfortunately, a black hole winds up being their unplanned destination.

Primary goal you wanted to accomplish with your story?

I enjoy the challenge of pairing contradictory ideas into a cohesive story. This was the result of pairing the joy of lovemaking and procreation with the opposite of that: death.

What cosmic horror authors/artists, both old school and contemporary, have had an influence on you and how?

Growing up I devoured all the Alfred Hitchcock anthologies I could find. I went through a period where I explored Lovecraft, but Edgar Allen Poe will remain my literary love until my own end, black hole or otherwise. I recently enjoyed Matt Huff’s Lovecraft Country and The Croning by Laird Barron.

Compared to other horror subgenres out there, what do you think are the appealing aspects and enduring qualities of cosmic horror?

For me, the appeal is the genre’s emphasis on our insignificance on this planet, in time and the universe in general. I think we make far too much of ourselves, in general, and that bloated sense of self-importance has been the catalyst for a lot of real horror in the world. The idea that a vast, overwhelming and omnipotent something might come and put us in our place is refreshing. In reality, I’m sure I’d be screaming with the rest of the fleeing mob, but I like to think I could appreciate a good, colossal doom for what it was before my own lights went out.

Your favourite Cthulhu Mythos deity or monster?

In the Cthulhu mythos, it would have to be Shub-Niggurath. Of monsters (cryptids) in general, I’m partial to Chupacabra. I’m positive if I ever cross paths with one, it will be instant mutual love at a glance.

Angela Yuriko Smith can be found at:

Samantha Underhill

Poem Title

“The Forest Gate”

Poem Synopsis

Using cosmic horror and existential dread poetic styles, this poem explores how people accept the rose-colored version of what they want to see as it presents itself on the surface in a new relationship only to learn that what they allowed themselves to fall so easily for might take them to dark, dangerous, and inescapable places.

Primary goal you wanted to accomplish with your poem?

I hoped to evoke elements of cosmic horror and gothic poets such as Borges, Lovecraft, and Poe while representing my personal experiences of the everyday horrors of life and relationships. I was wanting to convey a message about the nature of existence and the unknown beyond our world, particularly in how there may be more to life than what we can see and experience in our own world, but that there are dangers and uncertainties in exploring the unknown.

What cosmic horror authors/artists, both old school and contemporary, have had an influence on you and how?

Jorge Luis Borges is probably one of my largest influences. He was a renowned Argentine writer and poet, known for his surreal, metaphysical, and philosophical literary works. Although not traditionally considered a writer of cosmic horror, his writing often explored themes of existential dread, the limits of human knowledge, and the incomprehensible nature of the universe, which are all central themes in cosmic horror. He often constructed elaborate narratives that led to unexpected and unsettling conclusions. I draw heavily on his fascination with paradoxes and the interplay of reality and fiction. He had a unique approach to exploring the limits of human knowledge and understanding to create works that were both intellectually stimulating and deeply unsettling.

Compared to other horror subgenres out there, what do you think are the appealing aspects and enduring qualities of cosmic horror?

Cosmic horror appeals to horror lovers in an academic, philosophical way. It raises questions about the unknown, the nature of reality, the limits of our human understanding, and how humanity fits into a larger universe. This genre is thought-provoking and transcends the boundaries of specific cultures, time periods, and the like. Fear of the unknown is a universal fear that knows no limits. It evokes awe and wonder about our place in the larger piece of the puzzle of life. Essentially, cosmic horror hits on that very question we all inevitably come to now and then – why are we here?

Your favourite Cthulhu Mythos deity or monster?

Definitely Nyarlathotep. Nyarlathotep is a complex, multifaceted figure who embodies the unpredictable and incomprehensible nature of Lovecraftian horror. He is truly different from the other deities in many ways. Unlike other Lovecraftian gods who are often depicted as indifferent and distant from humanity, he takes an active role in interacting with humans. He is described as the “Crawling Chaos,” a shape-shifting entity who can take on any form he desires and manipulate humans into doing his bidding. His motives are unclear, and his actions are unpredictable, which adds to his allure as a character.

Samantha Underhill can be found at:

Carol Gyzander

Story Title

“The Call of the Void—L’Appel du Vide”

Story Synopsis

Ellen feels compelled to visit Utah’s Arches National Park. Her mother recently passed from Alzheimer’s, and Ellen wants to understand why she was so drawn to the red rock formation called Medusa—and see if her own life has a purpose.

Primary goal you wanted to accomplish with your story?

Much of the story comes from my real life! I wanted to explore my experiences during a trip to Utah’s red rock country in another light.

What cosmic horror authors/artists, both old school and contemporary, have had an influence on you and how?

One of the earliest I read was H. P. Lovecraft, “The Colour Out of Space”—and I was so taken with the story that I wrote a cyberpunk adaptation of it. I got to explore R. W. Chambers’ work, “The Repairer of Reputations” for the Under Twin Suns anthology. And of course, Poe—for example, “MS. Found in a Bottle” was one of the early influences. 

From current authors, Mary SanGiovanni has fabulous work and gave an excellent lecture at one of the Writing in the Dark events from AllAccessCon and Raw Dog Screaming Press. I was delighted to discover from her talk that I seemed to be doing it right!

Compared to other horror subgenres out there, what do you think are the appealing aspects and enduring qualities of cosmic horror?

Cosmic horror can resonate with the reader in different ways, depending upon their background. I love that it realigns the focus away from humanity as the most important thing in the story—because the cosmic entity does not care about us in the least.

Your favourite Cthulhu Mythos deity or monster?

Azathoth is cool. Imagine being able to change reality by just rolling over in your sleep!

Carol Gyzander can be found at:

Thank you Angela, Samantha, and Carol for being a part of this mini-interview compilation to talk about their cosmic horror texts. If you’re interested in reading their work, make sure to pre-order issue #367 of Weird Tales. If you enjoyed these mini-interviews, make sure to check out the one for issue #366 which is on sword and sorcery. 


News Roundup W/E 2022-06-05

Personal / Website News

New Episode of H. P. Lovecast

Our monthly Transmissions program went up last Tuesday.

Thumbnail by Michele Brittany.

This episode concluded our May Music Month. We interviewed Thomas Blakeley and Matt Toronto of the musical A Dream at the End of Time, and Dorian Williamson and Jim Field of the dark ambient band Northumbria.

HPLCP Transmissions – Ep 12 – A Dream at the End of Time and Northumbria H. P. Lovecast Podcast

The episode can be streamed via our Buzzsprout website, via the embedded player above, or via our podcast app of preference.

For June, we will be talking about the film Cthulhu Mansion on our primary episode, and interviewing Robert Ottone and Lora Senf on our Transmissions episode. Stay tuned!

The New Peplum Citation

Kevin Wetmore’s essay, “In the Green Zone with the Ninth Legion: The Post-Iraq Roman Film” has been cited in Óscar Lapeña Marchena’s essay “Defendiendo el limes desde Britannia hasta Irak: nuevos enfoques bélicos en el cine de romanos del siglo XXI” in the book Pantallas en guerra.

Cover taken from Google Search

Marchena previously cited Wetmore’s essay in “La recepción de la guerra en la antigua Roma a través del cine: un estado de la cuestión.”

Unofficial Emmanuelle / Black Emanuelle CFP

Sometime in the latter half of 2022 (after I am finished with AnnRadCon 2022) I plan on publishing an official CFP calling for essays on Emmanuelle and its sequels and spinoffs, Black Emanuelle and its sequels, and all other Emmanuelle knockoffs. I already have an interested publisher, but I want to present to them a fully laid out TOC for an ambitious collection as this.

Though my CFP will not go live until later 2022, if you have any interest in being a part of this collection, let me know! Send me an email or social media message (see my about me page for contact info) to let me know your interest. If you have an abstract already, even better.

General Neo-Peplum News

Recent Acquisitions

During a trip to Bookman’s last week I happened upon this EC Comics collection:

I already have the EC Comics collection of Valor comics and wasn’t thinking of Two-Fisted Tales since it seemed centered on war narratives. But there were quite a few pre-1900s battles in the comic and there just happened to be a peplum one:

It’s called “Pigs of the Roman Empire” and I am glad I happened upon it. I’ll now have to keep an eye out for other EC collections that just might have more sword and sandal stories in them.

Of course, obligatory seamed stockings panel.

On Sunday Michele and I went off to Zia’s Records looking for treasure. The metal section is always a treasure trove of pepla-music. I happened upon Visions of Atlantis’ Pirates album.

Believe I’ve said on a prior news post, to some pirates are pepla to others they are not. I like to toss in news about pirate-pepla when I can. I’d never heard of Visions of Atlantis (Greek mythology name there!) and the cover of their Pirates album seemed to promise pirate metal in the vein of Alestorm. But I was wrong! It’s symphonic power metal and it’s damn good! So good I plucked up the vinyl and the CD.

For dirt cheap I also happened upon this Blu-ray boxset of Ben-Hur. I actually do not have a copy of Ben-Hur in the sword and sandal collection, so that’s been rectified. The boxset is big, but unlike the Troy boxset I did an article on, there isn’t much in here. I think I’ll still do a quick unboxing article later this week. Content is content, ya know.