
Bibliography of all my published work, from books to journal articles to content on other websites.

Books – As Editor

Horror Literature from Gothic to Post-Modern: Critical Essays. McFarland, 2020.

Purchase at McFarland

Review at Cemetery Dance

Review at HorrorBuzz

Review at Revenant Journal

The New Peplum

The New Peplum: Essays on Sword and Sandal Films and Television Programs Since the 1990s. McFarland, 2018.

More info here

Purchase at McFarland

Contributions to Anthologies – Academic

“Animi Scrinium Servitus: Westworld as a Sword and Sandal Slave Revolt Film”

Forthcoming from McFarland

“Dance or Dēcēdere: Gladiator and Industrial Music Sampling” in A Hero Will Endure: Essays at the Twentieth Anniversary of Gladiator. Ed. Rachel Carazo. Vernon Press, 2023.

Purchase at Vernon Press

“Hic Sunt Leones: Peplum Strongmen and the Nemean Lion Legacy”

Forthcoming from ???

“Lost Nights and Dangerous Days: Unraveling the Relationship Between Stranger Things and Synthwave” in Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence in the Series. Ed. Kevin Wetmore. McFarland, 2018.

Purchase at McFarland

Review at Musings of the Monster Librarian

“Meteor Madness: Lovecraftian Horror and Consumerism in the Battle for Small Town USA” in Horror in Space: Critical Essays on a Film Subgenre. Ed. Michele Brittany. McFarland, 2017.

Purchase at McFarland

Review at Behind the Couch

“Permission to Kill: Exploring Italy’s 1960s Eurospy Phenomenon, Impact and Legacy” in James Bond and Popular Culture: Essays on the Influence of the Fictional Superspy. Ed. Michele Brittany. McFarland, 2014.

Purchase at McFarland

Review at Boyce McClain’s Blog

“Strange Realities: Twilight Zone-sploitation in Encounter with the Unknown” in The Many Lives of the Twilight Zone: Essays on the Television and Film Franchise. Ed. Ron Riekki and Kevin J. Wetmore Jr. McFarland, 2022.

Purchase at McFarland

Contributions to Anthologies – Souvenir Books

“Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference Furthers Horror Studies Scholarship for Second Year” in Stokercon Anthology: 2018 Souvenir Book. Ed. Michael Bailey. Co-written with Michele Brittany.

“Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference: Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference Showcases Horror Studies’ Scholarship for a Third Year” in StokerCon 2019 Souvenir Anthology. Ed. Linda D. Addison. Co-Written with Michele Brittany.

AnnRadCon essay in Stokercon Anthology 2021: The Phantom Denver Edition. Ed. Joshua Viola. Co-written with Michele Brittany.

AnnRadCon essay in StokerCon 2022 Souvenir Anthology. Ed. Cynthia Pelayo. Co-written with Michele Brittany.

Journal Articles / Thesis

“Book Review: The Comic Book Story of Video Games: The Incredible History of the Electronic Gaming Revolution” in Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. Taylor and Francis, Vol 10 Number 1, August 30, 2019.

Purchase at Taylor & Francis

“Book Review: Drawn and Dangerous – Italian Comics of the 1970s and 1980s” in Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. Taylor and Francis, Vol 6 Number 4 December 2015.

Purchase at Taylor & Francis

Cullzathro Fhtagn! Magnifying the Carnivalesque in Lovecraft through the Comic Book Series Vinegar Teeth (Essay at Academia Letters)

“Danza Macabra: The Reevaluation of Antonio Margheriti Through His Film Castle of Blood(Thesis)

Snippets of my thesis can also be found in the booklet for the Artus 2024 Blu-ray release of Danse Macabre.

“Dreams of the House of the Worm: Gary Myers’ Debut Dreamlands Story” in Dead Reckonings. Hippocampus Press, Issue 23, Spring 2018.

Purchase at Hippocampus Press

Magazine – Exotica Moderne

“Adventure to Isle of Diablo: An Interview with Will Penny and Nik Poliwko on Tiki Surf Witches Want Blood” in Exotica Moderne #5.

“Invaders from Easter Island! A Bibliography of Lithodia Rexian Marvel Comics” in Exotica Moderne #6. January, 2020.

“Playing Tourist: A Puzzle Paradise for Tiki Aficionados” in Exotica Moderne #12. Summer 2021.

Purchase at House of Tabu

“Return to Blood Island” in Exotica Moderne #3. February, 2019.

“Review: Bring me the Head of F. W. Murnau by Zeena Schreck” in Exotica Moderne #10, Winter 2021.

Review of Cuban Cocktails: 100 Classic and Modern Drinks in Exotica Moderne #13.

Purchase at House of Tabu.

“Review: La Maldicia” in Exotica Moderne #4. 2019.

“Review: Mixed Up: Cocktail Recipes (and Flash Fiction) for the Discerning Drinker (and Reader)” in Exotica Moderne #2. November 2018.

“Review: Nightcap” in Exotica Moderne #8, Fall 2020.

“Review: Tiki: Tropical Cocktails” in Exotica Moderne #7. April 2020.

Tiki-Noir in Fritz Lang’s While the City Sleeps” in Exotica Moderne #1. August 2018.

“Tiki Arachnids, German Style!: Horrors of Spider Island Revisted” in Exotica Moderne #9, late 2020.

“Glamour in the Magic City: Interview with Miss Pinup Miami” in Exotica Moderne #11, Spring 2021.

“White Cloud Dreams and Stocking Seams: An Interview with Miss Corsair Debonair” in Exotica Moderne #14, February 2022.

Order at House of Tabu

Book Review

Zine – National Capital Panthans Journal

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venue: The Flames Beyond #1″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #326.

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond#2″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #327.

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond#3″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #328.

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venus / Warlord of Mars #1″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #329.

“Wondercon 2019 Coverage: Tarzan, John Carter, and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.: What’s New?” reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #330.

Comic Book Review: “The Moon Maid: Catacombs of the Moon #1″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #331.

Comic Book Review: “The Moon Maid: Catacombs of the Moon #2″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #332.

Comic Book Review: “The Moon Maid: Catacombs of the Moon #3″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #333.

Magazines, Zines, and other Periodicals

“Analisi Della Cosa: Found Footage in Caltiki and Italian Theater Going Practices” in Footage Fields #1.

More info at the Footage Fiends Patreon.

Note: This is the original cover, it says Dec 2022. The Zine was published in March and the updated cover says Q1 2023.

“An Imperial Decree? Soitenly! Matri-Phony as Proto-Toga and Sandal Comedy” in The Journal of Stoogeological Studies, Nov/Dec 2023.

Order at Amazon

“Correlating the Contents: Mimetic Desire in H. P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Call of Cthulhu’.” in Dark Dead Things #2, August 2023.

Order via Dark Dead Things website.

“Tagliolini al Tarzan: Interview with Actress Bella Cortez on Taur the Mighty” in The Burroughs Bulletin #109. Edited by Henry Franke III. February, 2025.

“When the Stars are Right” in Weird Tales #367, May 2023.

Order at the Weird Tales website


“Journey to Agharti” in Trickster’s Treats 3: The Seven Deadly Sins. Edited by Lee Murray and Marie O’Regan. Things in the Well, 2019

Purchase at Amazon

“Nix’s Night About Town” in Kill Those Damn Cats: Cats of Ulthar Lovecraftian Anthology. Ed. Khurt Khave. First United Church of Cthulhu, 2016.

Purchase at Amazon

“Seamed Stocking Summoning Circle” in Guilty Pleasures and Other Dark Delights. Ed. Steve Dillon. Things in the Well, 2019.

Purchase at Amazon

“There’s Always Room” in Merry Creepsmas: The Red Book. Edited by Parth Sarathi Chakraborty. Wicked Shadow Press, 2025.

ebook link

print on demand link

“Tiki Mug from R’lyeh’ in 100 Word Horros: Part 2. Ed. Kevin J. Kennedy. 2019

Purchase at Amazon

Review of my story at Pyles of Books

Review at Erica Robyn Reads

“Will-o’-the-wisp” in 100 Word Horrors. Ed. Kevin J. Kennedy. 2018.

Purchase at Amazon

Review at Erica Robyn Reads


Mark My Words: Read the Submission Guidelines and Other Self-editing Tips. Yuriko Publishing, 2021.

Contributed blurbs/advice that was incorporated into this reference guide, page 89 specifically.

Purchase at Amazon

Online Articles

Listing of articles I’ve written over the years at various online venues.

Fanbase Press

Heathen Harvest

Heathen Harvest was taken offline a few years ago. I hope to revisit my articles from there at some point and re-write/update them to have a more critical stance.

Horror Writers Association

We Are the Mutants