Personal / Website News
H. P. Lovecast Podcast
After a few months hiatus Michele and I are back with H. P. Lovecast!
We have some interviews with folks we will need to connect on and get out the door, but we are going to slowly transition back into a normal schedule.

In the meantime, here is our first episode in a while! We talk about the 2022 cosmic-horror/dark comedy film, Glorious, directed by Dr. Rebekah McKendry. Check it out here, via the embedded player below, or through your podcast app of preference.

Ep 61 – Rebekah McKendry's Glorious – H. P. Lovecast Podcast
Scholars From The Edge Of Time
The August episode of Scholars from the Edge of Time is also online. For this episode we take a gander at the 2017 sorta-Templar film, Pilgrimage, which we both really dug.

The episode can be watched on YouTube.
For September we are looking to do Krull (1983). If you have suggestions for sword and sandal/sorcery/planet movies you’d like us to cover, let me know!
Panthans Journal #328
The newest issue of the The National Panthans Journal has been published. This issues contains a re-print of my review of Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond #3.

Publishing Recap
Below is a recap of my publishing endeavors so far in 2024.

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond#1″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #326.

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond#2″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #327.

Comic Book Review: “Carson of Venus: The Flames Beyond#3″ reprinted in the National Capital Panthans Journal #328.
Calls for Papers/Proposals
Here are some new pop culture CFPs that have crossed my paths. Links to these will also be in the CFP page on the navigation bar.
Expanding Our View of Sherwood: Exploring the Matter of the Greenwood in Comics
Sponsored by Medieval Comics Project and International Association for Robin Hood Studies (IARHS)
Organized by Michael A. Torregrossa and Carl B. Sell
60th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Hybrid event: Thursday, 8 May, through Saturday, 10 May, 2025
Please Submit Proposals by 15 September 2024
Session Information
According to a recent search of the Grand Comics Database, creators of comic books and graphic novels have produced approximately five thousand comics directly based on or inspired by the Robin Hood tradition. These comics span over one hundred years and come from at least ten countries; however, the true scope of Hood’s influence on the medium appears much larger. A variety of archers, both heroes and villains, also feature within the pages of comics, and some, such as DC Comics’s Green Arrow, have even made the transition to the screen. In addition, Hood and his fellows have also frequented cartoons, comic strips, and manga, although their adventures there remain largely uncatalogued.
Of this vast array of comics and related media, relatively little of the corpus seems known to enthusiasts of the Matter of the Greenwood. Although Robin Hood scholars (working since the 1990s) have started to share some comics, much work still remains to be done to more fully assess the world of Sherwood Forest depicted in their panels. Therefore, in this co-sponsored session, we hope to create a deeper connection between Robin Hood Studies and Comics Studies to highlight items from this rich corpus and provide ideas and reflections on how to find, access, and employ Robin-Hood-themed comics in our classrooms and research.
Applicants to the roundtable are invited to revise their work for publication in a special issue of the open-access journal The Bulletin of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies.
Thank you for your interest in our session. Please address questions and/or concerns to the organizers at A full PDF version of this call can be accessed from Academia.Edu.
Submission Information
The process for proposing contributions to sessions of papers, roundtables and poster sessions for the International Congress on Medieval Studies uses an online submission system powered by Confex. Be advised that submissions cannot be accepted through email. Rather, access the direct link in Confex to our session at You can also view the full Call for Papers list at
Within Confex, proposals to sessions of papers, poster sessions and roundtables require the author’s name, affiliation and contact information; an abstract (300 words) for consideration by session organizer(s); and a short description (50 words) that may be made public. Proposals to sessions of papers and poster sessions also require a title for the submission (contributions to roundtables are untitled).
Proposers of papers or contributions to roundtables for hybrid sessions should indicate in their abstracts whether they intend to present in person or virtually.
If you need help with your submissions, the Congress offers some resources at the Participating in the Congress page at Click to open the section labeled “Propose a Paper” and scroll down for the Quick Guide handouts.
Be advised of the following policies for participating in the Congress:
You are invited to propose one paper (as a sole author or as a co-author) for one session of papers. You may propose a paper for a sponsored or special session or for the general sessions, but not both. You may propose an unlimited number of contributions to roundtables and poster sessions, but you will not be scheduled to actively participate (as paper presenter, roundtable discussant, poster author, presider, respondent, workshop leader, demonstrator or performer) in more than three sessions.
Further details on the Congress’s Policies can be found at
A reminder: Presenters accepted to the Congress must register for the full event. The registration fee is the same for on-site and virtual participants. For planning, the cost for the previous year’s event is posted at the Congress’s Registration page at
If necessary, the Medieval Institute and Richard Rawlinson Center at Western Michigan University offer limited funding to presenters. These include both subsidized registration grants and travel awards. Please see the Awards page at the Congress site for details at
Miscellaneous Tidbits
Want to give some appreciation and shoutouts to some friends who have big projects that just came out or are about to come out.
Ian Welke’s Messing With Mr. In-Between
Ian Welke, friend who has been on both Scholars from the Edge of Time and H. P. Lovecast, has a new book out called Messing with Mr. In-Between.

The book can be purchased at its Amazon product page. Check it out!
Global Indigenous Horror
Global Indigenous Horror is an upcoming collection edited by Naomi Simone Borwein, who has been a presenter at the Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference and also published in Horror Literature form Gothic to Post-Modern.

More information and the ability to pre-order can be found at its University Press of Mississippi product page. Also – that cover is rad. Keep an eye out!
Philippe Gerber Scores
Composter Philippe Gerber, who creates music under the John 3:16 moniker and also did the theme song, “Azathoth,” for the H. P. Lovecast Podcast, has been scoring films lately! There’s two of them right now from SRS Cinema.

The first is The Final Possession, which can be found on Indiegogo.

And the next is Venus Die-Trap, (love the name), also on Indiegogo.
Check them out, consider backing/ordering the films!
Brenda S. Tolian’s Bestial Mouths
Friend and H. P. Lovecast interviewee alumnus Brenda S. Tolian has a new book coming from Raw Dog Screaming (aroooo) Press: Bestial Mouths. It’s a poetry collection! RDSP just did a cover reveal:

The collection is slated to come out November 14th and can be pre-ordered at the Raw Dog Screaming Press product page. The cover is wicked cool with all the mushrooms.
Ripple Effects Kickstarter
FanBase Press is about the launch their very first Kickstarter. This will be for a deluxe edition of Jordan Hart’s Ripple Effects.

Get notified when the Kickstarter goes live at the campaign’s Notify Me On Launch page. Consider backing! Or, if you’d like the current trade paperback edition, that can be found for purchase here.